Thinking of suicide?  Contact 9-8-8 suicide Crisis Helpline. Call 9-8-8 or Text 9-8-8 (24/7) 
Farmers – your mental health matters.  Call the Farmers’ Wellness Initiative Help Line at 1-866-267-6255
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Primary Care Telemedicine Program Drop-In Clinic at New Location

The CMHA Grey Bruce ‘Primary Care Telemedicine Program Drop-In Clinic’ is now at its new location.

Brightshores Health System Wellness & Recovery Centre

615 6th St. ‘A’ East, Owen Sound

Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The drop-in clinic is intended for acute/episodic care concerns for individuals without a family doctor or those needing more comprehensive care while living with mental health or addiction challenges.

No appointment is needed.

The Primary Care Telemedicine Drop-In Clinics are delivered in collaboration with CMHA Grey Bruce, the Brockton and Area Family Health Team, and Brightshores Health System.

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